To my dearest,
I am writing you this letter to acknowledge the graceful things about you and your personality that you often find go unnoticed. you know what they are, they are amazing!
I want to let you know the profound level to which I appreciate your spirit. The way you are able to “snap out” of mundane life, and into a “divine connection” with synchronicity never ceases to amaze me!
I admire the way you are; caring, compassionate, and empathetic toward everyone you encounter! Your open mind and non-denominational approach to teaching and learning inspire me to seek greater questions and formulate a deeper understanding of “what is” (the answer).
Love is a term that many throw around, and i think that more could do better to seek to understand. What you teach and extend to others in regards to your way of “love” is, in its own, a miracle. You are so accepting and open and curious. You have taught me that love is something that starts far outside of/beyond ourselves. It is an energy, a frequency that vibrates in harmony with all things. You have taught me that this “external love” also resides within us; “as above, so below” you always say. Deep in the brightest cosmos within my heart, glows a crystalline white light energy field of love, that lives to radiate outward and attract inward.
Thank you, for showing me that this light in me, is also in everyone, and everything around me. This knowledge, this understanding, my love knows no boundary.
With my all, my existential, omnipresent, infinite ability to love, i see you, i love you, i am you.
Blessed Be